Air travel has become an integral part of modern life, with millions of people taking flights every day for business, leisure, or personal reasons. While the aviation industry has made remarkable strides in terms of safety, efficiency, and convenience, the rights of air passengers often take a backseat. Fortunately, there’s a company in India that’s dedicated to ensuring that air travellers are aware of their rights and receive the compensation they’re entitled to in case of flight disruptions.

Meet, India’s first-ever flight compensation provider, founded by the visionary entrepreneur Akanksha Anshu in 2016. This innovative startup has made it its mission to empower air passengers and help them navigate the complex world of air travel regulations and compensation claims.

Company Highlights

Startup Name
FounderAkanksha Anshu
SectorAviation & Travel
FoundedApril 21, 2016
Legal India Services Pvt. Ltd.

The Inception: A Personal Experience Sparks a Groundbreaking Idea

Like many great ideas, was found out of a personal experience that resonated with countless air travellers worldwide. Akanksha Anshu, the founder, was once travelling from Delhi to Bengaluru for an important meeting when her flight was cancelled just hours before boarding. With limited time and lack of proactive assistance from the airline, Akanksha missed her meeting.

This frustrating experience led Akanksha to research air passenger rights in India, and she was surprised to learn that while such rights existed, less than 1% of eligible passengers actually received compensation. With over 1 billion Indian rupees in unpaid compensation, she realized there was a significant gap in public awareness and decided to take action.

The Soaring Growth of Indian Aviation and the Need for Passenger Empowerment

The Indian aviation sector has witnessed remarkable growth in recent years, with air passenger numbers increasing by 18.6% between January and December 2018, carrying nearly 139 million passengers compared to 117.1 million in 2017. As the number of air travellers continues to rise, so too does the need for greater awareness and protection of their rights. recognized this need and set out to bridge the gap, offering a user-friendly platform where travellers can easily claim compensation in case of flight delays, cancellations, overbookings, denied boarding, and other unfavourable circumstances. The company’s mission is to empower air passengers by demystifying the complex technicalities and laws related to flight compensation, ensuring that they receive the compensation they’re entitled to without any hurdles. – How It Works?

The process of claiming compensation for flight disruptions can be daunting, with airlines often creating barriers and relying on passengers’ lack of awareness to avoid paying out. simplifies this process, guiding air travelers through every step and fighting on their behalf to ensure they receive their rightful compensation.

Here’s how it works:

1. Passengers can visit the website or mobile app and provide details about their disrupted flight, such as the airline, flight number, and the nature of the disruption (delay, cancellation, overbooking, etc.).

2. The team then evaluates the claim based on the DGCA (Directorate General of Civil Aviation) regulations and the airline’s policies.

3. If the passenger is eligible for compensation, handles all the paperwork and communication with the airline, ensuring a hassle-free experience for the customer.

4. Once the compensation is secured, deducts a small percentage as their service fee, and the remainder is transferred to the passenger’s account.

By taking on the burden of dealing with airlines and navigating the complex regulations, ensures that air travelers receive the compensation they’re owed without the added stress and confusion. – Business Model and Revenue Model operates within a dual business framework, catering to both Business-to-Business (B2B) and Business-to-Customer (B2C) segments. The company offers its services to individual customers on a case-by-case basis, while for corporate clients, it provides a range of tailored packages. These packages span from Rs. 3000 per month to Rs. 22,000 annually, offering flexibility and scalability for corporate clientele. – Startup Challenges

Navigating the intricacies of the aviation industry, has encountered several formidable challenges. 

These include:

1. Decoding Indian Regulation: Understanding and interpreting the regulations set forth by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) proved to be a significant hurdle for Seeking assistance from legal experts was crucial in deciphering the technical language and complexities inherent in DGCA regulations, enabling the company to ascertain the benefits offered by air passenger rights.

2. Lack of Awareness: Despite deciphering regulations, raising awareness among the public remained a daunting task. conducted comprehensive surveys in both domestic and international markets to gauge the awareness levels regarding air passenger rights. The findings revealed alarming levels of ignorance, with 70 percent of respondents unaware of their rights, 17 percent believing they were ineligible for compensation, and 13 percent uncertain about the claims process. These findings underscore the considerable gap in public knowledge and highlight the need for extensive education efforts. Moreover, the ambiguous nature of DGCA rules further complicates matters, making comprehension challenging for the average individual. – Growth distinguishes itself within the Indian market through its customer-centric services tailored to address the challenges faced by air travellers. Their focus extends beyond the Indian market to encompass the European market, where they assist passengers in obtaining compensation for flight disruptions. By aligning with the everyday experiences of air travellers, their company has swiftly amassed over 100 users within its inaugural year, and continues to demonstrate remarkable growth. 

They are committed to raising awareness among air passengers regarding their rights, fostering greater accountability among airlines, and fostering mutual growth between passengers and service providers. They envision a future where every traveller is well-informed about their rights, airlines prioritize passenger welfare, and collaborative efforts drive mutual prosperity.


In conclusion, stands as a beacon of empowerment for air travellers in India and beyond. Founded on the principles of transparency, advocacy, and customer-centricity, this innovative startup has transformed the landscape of flight compensation by bridging the gap between passengers and their entitled rights. 

By leveraging technology, legal expertise, and a deep understanding of the aviation industry, has successfully navigated challenges, raised awareness, and secured compensation for numerous passengers. As the company continues to grow and expand its reach, it remains steadfast in its commitment to empowering travelers, fostering accountability among airlines, and shaping a future where passenger rights are upheld and respected. With at the forefront, air travelers can navigate the skies with confidence, knowing that their rights are protected and their voices heard.