An upsetting event involves a US citizen of Indian descent accusing the CEO of a private company of sexually assaulting her in a five-star hotel in the nation’s capital.

Based on the complainant’s account, the Delhi Police have verified the filing of a formal complaint under the applicable rape sections.

The assault was reported to the police in January by the victim, an American woman in her 40s. A senior police officer who wished to remain unnamed stated that the alleged attack happened on September 14, 2018, at a well-known five-star hotel in the Lutyens neighbourhood.

The complainant—a Non-Resident Indian (NRI)—exposed that she had met the accused in the posh hotel, the scene of the terrible incident. The defendant, a CEO of a private company in New Delhi, has not yet been taken into custody.

Additional DCP (New Delhi) Ravi Kant Kumar provided information about the victim’s and accused’s professional relationship, saying, “According to the complaint received, she was working as the assistant general manager of the firm while the accused was the CEO.” Both the accused and the complainant have prior acquaintance with one another. The man assisted the woman in obtaining the job and is a friend of her uncle.

According to the police, an investigation is still underway, and if more evidence is gathered, legal action will be taken. No arrests have been made at this stage. Because of the seriousness of the claims, authorities are making sure that the case is thoroughly investigated, drawing attention to the larger problem of workplace safety and harassment.

The victim’s identity is being kept private, and steps are being taken to ensure that she gets the help and care she needs while the case is in court. The insider further stated that the accused, a well-known member of the business sector, is anticipated to come under intense examination during the course of the investigation.