
To wash up with the financial crime, the European Banking Authority (EBA) has developed a set of strict guidelines on the ‘travel rules’ for cryptocurrency firms in the EU. This new regulation which is scheduled to begin on 30th December 2024 is the EU’s ongoing attempt to regulate the unpredictable Crypto sector within the different legal frameworks.

The Heart Of The Matter: Transaction Transparency

The new guidelines entail that every crypto firm has to capture details of all transactions made through it and disclose the same to the public. This is in a process of keeping records on both payers and beneficiaries just like it has been done with the traditional banking industry.

EBA data have shown that about 75% of financial cybercriminals abusing cryptocurrencies in the EU remain undetected because of the lack of transaction tracking. The new rule intends to reduce this number to at least 60% within the first year that the new rule starts to operate.

Compliance And Consequences

Crypto businesses must abide by the travel rule from the EBA or risk legal actions against their business. There might be exemptions but firms need to afford valid reasons for non adherence to the requirements. According to market analysts, up to 30% of these small industry players may fail to meet the new requirements, hence steady consolidation is expected.

MiCA: The Bigger Picture

The travel rule is one of the basic regulations of the EU concerning the crypto industry. To establish better regulation and protection of the People’s money by investing in crypto assets, the Markets in Crypto Assets (MiCA) legislation was passed in October 2022. Key aspects of MiCA include: 

  1. Liquidity requirements: Small firms are also required to hold at least 20% of their total assets in liquid forms.
  2. Stress testing: Regular exercises aimed at identifying the company’s readiness against market fluctuations.
  3. Asset reserves: Problems with backing stablecoins at 1:1 to avoid Terra-like collapses.
  4. Recovery plans: Crisis management plan, including specific measures for specific potential crisis: updated every six months.

Global Impact And Industry Response

This proactive approach towards regulating cryptocurrencies by the EU is being followed globally. Other countries including Japan and Singapore are also observing these rules and aim to set them in place by 2025. At the same time, the crypto industry seems to be split with 62% of the large exchanges supporting these measures and 38% being concerned about overregulation.


As the countdown starts, the EU’s travel rule emerges as a new perspective of the cryptocurrency that might transform it in accordance with the main principles of transparency and accountability. Altogether, it can be stated that the new travel rule designed by the EU and the MiCA framework are crucial advancements in the regulatory sphere about cryptocurrencies. These measures are intended to build a safer and more transparent system for digital assets that may mitigate risky activities of financial crimes for consumers’ benefit.

Key Takeaways

  1. The EU’s travel rule requires crypto firms to report all transactions and associated information in detail.
  2. Implementation deadline: 30th December, 2024.
  3. One of the components of the combined MiCA framework aimed at governing the cryptocurrency market.
  4. Concerned with minimizing financial fraud and improving the rights of investors.
  5. Crypto regulatory developments around the world are on the rise.