
The Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) is another project that is bound to transform the sort of astronomical research that people currently engage in and India has a rather significant part in its creation. This $2.4 billion project, which involves five countries, will bring closer the secrets of the universe and make India one of the leading countries in astronomy.

A Glimpse Into The Future Of Astronomy

The TMT’s main mirror will be 30 meters in diameter, made up of 492 hexagonal segments to gather light from the deepest space. With a light-gathering power 9 times bigger than the largest current telescopes, it will look into the sky with incomparable sharpness, outclassing the Hubble Space Telescope 12 fold.

India’s Stellar Contribution

India is contributing $200 million in the TMT project; however, its contribution is not only in terms of money. On components, the scientific capability of the country stands out in the development of these parts. Indian scientists have developed a tool for making the infrared star catalogue that is crucial for the TMT’s AOS. This innovation will help the telescope to create images that are three times clearer than those that are created by the ground-based telescopes.

Unlocking Cosmic Mysteries

The TMT will enable astronomers to look at the first stars that were formed around 13 billion years ago and give understanding on the ancient universe. It is designed to identify the biosignatures of at least 10-15 exoplanets of potential habitability, contributing to the search for extraterrestrial life.

Enhancing The Indian Science As Well As Economy

A further benefit of India’s involvement in the TMT project is the generation of more than 100 ‘high-tech’ employment opportunities and the development of links with international organizations. Our scientists shall be awarded the first right to 10% of the observation time on the telescope, that is 100 nights per year worth $100 million per year.

Overcoming Challenges

Even though there was much opposition to the project in the intended location in Hawaii, the TMT project continues. There are even other places like the Canary Islands that are under consideration. India’s contribution and new ideas are very important to the realization of the project.


TMT stands for the Thirty Meter Telescope which is a giant leap in observational astronomy. India’s achievements are indeed remarkable and imposing in terms of science and technology and branching in astronomy puts India in an advantageous position among the world’s leading players. With the TMT slowly approaching realization, it asserts to reveal the mysteries of the universe, with India in the driver’s seat of this space odyssey.

Key Takeaways

  • It is expected that the TMT will be 12 times more powerful than the Hubble Space Telescope.
  • Thus the US $200 million of investment assures 10 per cent observation time of the total general compartments.
  • Indian scientists authors the key software for the telescope’s adaptive optics
  • It is estimated that the project will generate and place more than one hundred technologically demanding positions in India.
  • TMT is intended to observe the earliest generation of stars that started forming 13 billion years ago.