The first JEE Main 2024 session was conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA) from January 24 to February 1. Admission to IITs, NITs, IIEST, IIITs, and other GFTIs, as well as the ability to register for JEE Advanced, will be determined by the JEE Main 2024 cut-off. JEE cut-offs are determined by a number of variables, such as the overall number of applicants, the number of seats available at participating colleges, trends from prior years, and the exam’s difficulty level.
Assamese, Bengali, English, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Odia, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu were among the thirteen languages in which the exam was administered. Furthermore, the test was conducted in twenty-one cities outside of India, including Singapore, Kuwait City, Kuala Lumpur, Lagos/Abuja, Colombo, Jakarta, Moscow, Ottawa, Port Louis, Bangkok, and Washington, D.C.

95.8% of enrolled applicants took the JEE Main test in January 2024, with paper 1 (BE/BTech) being the subject of the data supplied by NTA. According to NTA, this is one of the greatest JEE Main attendance percentages since the exam has been offered. As many as 11,70,036 candidates appeared in the JEE Main paper 1 out of the 12,21,615 candidates who registered. Out of the total 74,002 enrolled students, 55,493 candidates took the JEE Main session 1 BArch paper.
JEE Main session 1 was held in 21 cities outside of India in addition to the 544 exam centres spread across 291 cities.
JEE Main 2023 Cut Off
JEE Main Result 2024
On February 12, the results of the first session will be announced. Before then, the NTA is probably going to provide the preliminary response. The JEE Main 2024 answer keys may be found on the official NTA websites,