In a dramatic scene that unfolded on Sunday afternoon, four ladies stripped themselves in front of a large group of people in the Karelibaug neighborhood of the city after they were accused of robbing a laundry of $400. To avoid being noticed by the audience, they put this act on.

The women had entered England Dry Cleaners, a laundry situated in the Jai Ranchod shopping complex close to the Ambalal crossroads after the laundry’s owner had left to pick up his tiffin.

Upon entering the laundry, two women saw an assistant ironing garments on a nearby table. Before long, two more ladies came in and began robbing the counter next to the laundry room’s door of cash.

“The pay counter had become disorganized, so the assistant requested the women to leave the laundry. He began yelling for assistance when he saw the woman had taken money, according to Panna Momaya, DCP (zone-4).

Viewers joined the helper as he cried out for assistance, chasing the fleeing women once they started to run.

“These ladies came into the laundry and took some cash out while I was ironing the clothes. I followed them to the Sangram intersection with a few other people. However, the aide, Ikbal Dhobi, informed the reporters that the women began undressing and sat in the middle of the road so that no one would catch them. He stated that the women had yielded about Rs 10,000.

The women were freed from the mob by the police. “We are now taking the help of counselors from Abhayam 181 helpline and Baroda Citizens Council,” Momaya remarked.

The women, who speak a mixture of Gujarati, Hindi, and Marathi, are giving the police a hard time since they won’t reveal who they really are.

“Once their identity is established, we will proceed with additional measures,” Momaya stated, indicating that two distinct complaints would be filed.

“We will register a complaint regarding the robbery, we will also register an offense if anyone had misbehaved with these women,” she added.

The women’s involvement in previous comparable crimes and any assaults they may have experienced are also being investigated by the police.