In a shocking case of violent infatuation, a 20-year old youth has been arrested by Malda police for attempting to murder a 13-year old schoolgirl by slitting her throat. The horrific attack targeting the minor occurred in broad daylight on Tuesday while she was returning home from classes. 

The accused, Ujjwal Mandal who hails from the region, did not shy away from confessing his motive behind the gruesome assault on the young girl. He admitted that the murderous attack stemmed from being rebuffed in love by her.  

As she wended her way home unaware of any danger, little did the 8th grader know a spurned lover was hatching a sinister plot to harm her. Armed with multiple knives, Mandal brutally set upon the unsuspecting girl child slashing her throat mercilessly in public view around 3 pm. 

In the brazen attempt to snuff a young life, the girl escaped by a whisker with the accused leaving her profusely bleeding from the throat injury. Such was the grievousness of the wounds that she had to be rushed to Malda Medical College following initial treatment at a local hospital.  

While the severity of slashes on the throat sent shivers down the public spine, further probe revealed the accused had also stabbed the girl in other body parts. Fortunately for the survivor, medical intervention came in time and she was later discharged in stable condition from the hospital. 

But what led an apparently ordinary youth studying in a reputed Malda college to harbour such virulent vengeance against a young teen? Emerging reports suggest the chilling crime was a fallout of soured affection on part of the accused towards the minor girl.  

Spurned Admirer Turned Violent Stalker 

Preliminary evidence reveals that the accused Mandal had been pestering the girl over past months to accept his romantic overtures. But with his advances clearly not reciprocated by the uninterested schoolgirl, it led to simmering resentment in the spurned admirer’s mind.  

Things apparently came to a head recently when the girl avoided all communication with him distressed by his constant badgering. Seeing his love interest drift away into the arms perhaps of another boy finally tipped Mandal over the edge. Consumed with bitterness over rejection, he concocted the murderous attack to `teach her a lesson’ in his words.  

After the daring midday attack, the accused remained absconding with police hot on his heels. He was trying to slip away to South Dinajpur when the long arm of law caught up nabbing him from a bus stand past midnight. On being produced before a Malda court,  the accused has been taken into 2-day police remand for further questioning.

Widespread Outrage over Attack on Schoolgirl  

As the shocking details emerged on the horrific attack on the minor girl by a spurned admirer, it led to understandable outrage across Malda. Many pointed to the brazenness with which a college going youth targeted a vulnerable little schoolgirl in broad public glare without fear of law. 

Women activists have also come down heavily questioning why an underage girl’s consent was assumed by the youth for any kind of relationship. They highlighted it as yet another instance of society failing to instil the concept of consent, respect and equality towards girls as fellow human beings in the male psyche. 

With a series of violent incidents against women being reported from Bengal over past years, the girl’s murderous assault in Malda has only added to public disquiet. Many locals have ascribed such attacks on girls to moral degradation among youth, lack of awareness of legal rights and delays in woman related cases.

Time to Stand up for Safety of Daughters: Victim’s Parents

Understandably shocked by the severity of injuries inflicted on their 13-year old, parents of the affected girl have questioned safety for children, especially daughters, in society. They pointed out that despite being underage, their minor girl was stalked and then almost killed by an adult youth without qualms. 

Her father disclosed that Ujjwal had been pestering the 8th grader to enter a relationship with him for months. When his advances were repeatedly spurned, the obsessed lover in his rage turned into a crazed attacker seeking to snuff out the schoolgirl’s life. 

In their view, the horrific murder attempt on their daughter is a wake up call for parents to be extra vigilant about wards’ safety. It is also a clarion call for society to stand up against violence targeting young girls by self-seeking deviants devoid of values or sanity. 

With the accused arrested and under custody, locals will be closely watching if law takes a stern course denying him leeway due to age or other excuses. After all, the scars inflicted on the survivor’s neck by his slashes will take years to completely fade away, if they ever will.