It may set off some of your triggers. But if reading anything online… shocks you,” a woman wrote, contrasting the standard of living in the US and India. A woman posted her opinions about the standard of living in the US and India on X. She said he used to believe that having inexpensive house assistance or having food brought to your door meant you could enjoy a “luxurious life in India.” But after traveling to the US, she asserted that a “true quality of life” is characterized by nice roads and pure air. Her message has, predictably, sparked discussion among those who agree with her or don’t.

“Today is Day 11 in the United States, and here is a reflection from yesterday night. Some of you may get triggered by it. However, if reading someone else’s online content upsets you, you should work on and guard that area for your energy, X user Niharikaa Kaur Sodhi commented. “Today is Day 11 in the United States, and here is a reflection from yesterday night. Some of you may get triggered by it. However, if reading someone else’s online content upsets you, you should work on and guard that area for your energy, X user Niharikaa Kaur Sodhi commented.

But during her trip to the US, she claimed to have realized that the “real quality of life” is really “basic things” like “clean air,” “continuous electricity,” “availability of water,” “plenty of greenery,” and “good roads.”She continued to write after that, sharing her opinions on the standard of living in both nations. Well, maybe my perception of luxury and quality of life has evolved. I don’t know if any of the aforementioned will ever be mine. However, it’s undoubtedly a concept in my mind,” she added as she wrapped up her essay.

Since it was shared, about 3.8 lakh people have viewed the post. The post has also received over 2,800 likes in addition. As they responded to the sharing, people left a variety of responses. “I wholeheartedly concur. It takes guts to say what I think. A user named X wrote, “Civic sense is a highly underrated attribute.” Another person said, “You can get such a life if you move 50 km away from any city in India.”

Every location has advantages and disadvantages. Generally speaking, you can’t have everything in one location,” said a third. A fourth person remarked, “Slight correction: 90% of Americans live in suburbs where nobody walks to the grocery stores.” “I can travel to the US or the UK whenever I want and enjoy, but those who stay put miss what life in India is,” penned a fifth comment.

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