There have been disturbing reports from Mumbai that cast doubt on India’s medical facilities. Hospitals frequently fall short of giving their patients the greatest care possible, even with the progress of technology. Because of this, patients must deal with dire consequences even though they have spent a hefty sum of money and anticipate receiving top-notch medical care in exchange. In one such instance, medical professionals at Mumbai’s Sion Hospital had to perform a baby’s delivery by torchlight. Regretfully, the 26-year-old woman passed away on the same day as the baby boy, who was delivered lifeless.

The deceased Bhandup woman, Saheedunnissa Ansari, was taken to the Sion Hospital on Monday night around midnight. She had to have a C-section, but the doctors had to do it by flashlight from cell phones. According to a media source, it’s due of a power outage at a municipal maternity facility.

The infant, who was not going to live, weighed about 4 kg. At Sion Hospital, the woman was pronounced dead by the medical staff a few hours later. Health officials expressed grave worries about this. The Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) then moved quickly to form a committee consisting of ten members. Physicians from the state-run JJ Hospital were also members of the committee, and their meeting is scheduled for this Thursday, May 2, 2024.

The deceased woman’s family was devastated after the occurrence. Because of this, on Tuesday and Wednesday, protests were held by Ansari’s family outside the 30-bed Sushma Swaraj maternity facility. They asked the hospital for clarification.