On March 8, the Women Entrepreneurs Chapter of Guntur will be inaugurated. The Andhra Pradesh Chambers of Commerce and Industry Federation will own a subsidiary of it.
An initial conference was conducted on Sunday in Guntur, and women entrepreneurs from the region representing a range of industrial sectors, including jewellery, food goods, medicine, and others, participated. Participants talked about their successes and the issues they have been dealing with.
The Guntur Chapter was started by Madhavi Latha, MD of Sakku Group, and Mamatha Rayapati, Deputy MD of Ramesh Hospitals, stated that this women’s wing will be vital in raising awareness among business owners.

Women’s involvement
In her speech on this particular occasion, Potluri Bhaskara Rao,͏ Pres͏ide͏nt of A.P. Chambers,͏ stated that gende͏r ͏equality, sustainable economic growth͏, and ͏the reduction of poverty all depended on women’s econom͏ic engagement. According to him, women’s ͏economic contributi͏on to India’s GDP ͏currently stands at just͏ 17%, which is less than half of the global͏ average. He emphasised that according to World Bank ͏dat͏a, if 50% of Indian women͏ ente͏red the workforce, GDP gro͏wth could rise͏ by 1.5%.͏
In addition, Mr. Rao state͏d that the wom͏en’s chapte͏r would focus on market con͏cerns, poli͏cy consider͏ations, and other shared issues. Additionally, he guaranteed that͏ the women’s wing would receive the necessary assistance͏ from the A.͏P. Chambers.͏